Sunday, April 24, 2016

X-Men: Days of Future Past

Wolverine (played by Hugh Jackman) travels back in time to prevent the sentinels from destroying the world.  He arrives in 1973 and immediately encounters some gangsters who want him dead.  He quickly dispatches them and then takes their car.  The gangster's keychain is a white rabbit's foot and a Buick Riviera medallion. 

Sunday, April 10, 2016


From season 1 episode 20.  Naruto is leaving his home and he locks his door which shows off his keychain.  His keychain is a miniature of another character in the show, Pakkun (a creature who is summoned by Naruto's sensei to aid in missions).  At this point in the show that character had not even been introduced yet so this makes it a bit odd.  Possibly it was a intended for fans of the comic which probably came before the show.