Tuesday, January 5, 2016

American Dad

From season 7 episode 10.  Roger shows off his FogHorn LegHorn keychain as proof that he cannot refuse anything with the word leg in it.  Because this often featured persona is named legs.

From season 10 episode 7 big stan on campus.  Stan is furloughed from work so to make more money the rest of the family starts a bed and breakfast.  The room keys can been seen behind roger's desk.

From season 12 episode --.  Stan and Hayley are at a Bazooka Sharks game (arena football) and Stan cannot think of something to talk about with Hayley.  So he comes up with the excuse that he needs to buy a keychain.  Someone offers him their's but he pushes her aside anyway to run away from a potentially awkward conversation with his daughter.  The keychain is an adorable bazooka wielding shark.