Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 4

The group encounters some walkers in a auto shop and one of the members reaches for whatever is near.  In this instance it is a bathroom key with a screwdriver/icepick (hard to tell exactly) keychain.  Keychains save the day again.

Later Rick is prepping a car for a quick getaway.  They keys are in the ignition and the keychain is some kind of vinyl fob.  It is in the shape of the state of Georgia, which makes a lot of sense since the show takes place in Georgia.

Key & Peele L.A. Vice Sketch

In this parody of Miami Vice, Peele is going to drive the suspect they just apprehended to the police station but Key really does not think that is a good idea... 

Peele's purple rabbit's foot keychain can be seen for extended periods in several overly dramatic shots.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

South Park season 18 episode 3 The Cissy

South Park satirizes some of the issues surrounding transgendered prejudice.  Randy Marsh is secretly the teenage pop artist Lorde so his place of work is unsure of how to handle the situation. Especially when it comes to which bathroom he should use.  They offer him a new private executive bathroom.  The keychain for the bathroom key is a fob with an E on it for executive.